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King e1


Naveen Karthikeyan

FIDE Arbiter, Engineer

and Chess Trainer.

I grew up in Chennai, India -- the city which many call the Moscow of the Indian chess world. 

I have been training kids and hold a Bachelor's in Computer Science from the University of Madras. I am an engineer by profession and FIDE Arbiter. I hope to return to playing some day. 


My chess started at the age of six when my grandmother first showed me an antique chess set. I spent my childhood in the 64 squares and that is where -- like millions across the world -- I find passion, love and life.


I grew up listening to spiritual stories and being fascinated by Indian mythology, history and culture. 


18x64 feels so much a combination of all that I grew up with. However, 
as I mention in my book, I am not the writer of this book. I was working on another project. Situations, people and guidance came to me mysteriously as I was led to "transcribing" it. You will know what I mean when you read 18x64!


The books that have inspired me to sit at the keyboard include Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach, The Razor's Edge by William Somerset Maugham, Chess for Zebras: Thinking Differently about Black and White by Grandmaster Jonathan Rowson and the Bhagavad Gita.


The best thing about writing a book is when stuff comes out of your head that surprises even you. It's magical and spiritual. It's like conducting a seance with words.


The worst thing is that you pay with blood and your sanity to write.


Do get in touch with me with your thoughts and views even if you don't like my book(s).


Gracias y bendiciones. 

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